Mac OS X Internet Configuration

Mac OS X PPP Instructions

Go to the APPLE menu.

Select System Preferences

Click the Network icon at the top of the System Preferences panel.

Select Internal Modem from the Show menu.

Select the TCP/IP tab

Select Using PPP from the Configure menu.

In the Domain Name Servers field, enter the following numbers:

- and Hit enter

In the Search Domains field, enter:

Click the PPP tab.

In the Service Provider field, enter Blue Moon

In the Telephone Number field, enter 5176000

The Alternate Number should be left empty.

In Account Name field, type in your Blue Moon username (eg smitjohn)

In Password, type in your Blue Moon password (remember passwords are CaSeSeNsItIvE)

The Save Password checkbox should be checked.

Click the PPP Options button.

You may set the top five checkboxes (in Session Options) according to your personal preferences

In the Advanced Options section, check the following checkboxes:

Send PPP echo packets
Use TCP header compression

Click OK when you are finished with this page

Click the Modem tab.

Select your modem from the pull down Modem menu; most Macs with bundled modems will use the Apple Internal 56K Modem (v.90) selection.

The Sound, Dialing and Wait for dial tone before dialing checkboxes may be left at their defaults.

You are finished with the System Preferences panel.

Click Apply Now to save your settings, and select Quit from the System Prefs menu to close the System Preferences panel.

Using the Connection

Click on on your desktop

Open the Applications folder

Locate the icon called Internet Connect and double-click to open it.

The Connect button will become a Cancel button, and Mac OS X will display the dialing status.

Click OK to go back to the Mac TCP/IP Programs Configuration page.